El Chingon is the only recipe indexing brewhouse in the industry designed to scale up to all larger Portland Kettle Works brewhouses.

The El Chingon Brewhouse is the smallest nano brewhouse offered by Portland Kettle Works. The system is thoroughly innovative in its design and function and is intended to serve the smallest of startup breweries while it has the exact geometry and functionality of PKW’s Diablo, Hopmaster and Custom brewhouse offerings. This allows the El Chingon (literally “Badass” in Spanish) to serve as a recipe indexing Brewhouse for all of PKW’s larger breweries.
The El Chingon is a 1 barrel (117 liter) brewhouse, offered in direct fire, steam or electric models. The El Chingon is the new standard for recipe creation and indexing in the brewery industry. From our manufacturing facilities in Queretaro, Mexico and Portland, Oregon USA, we serve award winning clients on 5 continents.
The El Chingon design draws on our experience producing over 4,000 brewery and craft beverage vessels and commissioning over 375 new breweries worldwide since 2011. Our breweries deliver award winning results across every style of beer on a global stage.
Like All PKW Brewhouses the El Chingon includes these high-performance features that make your brew day easy and enjoyable:
- KettleMaster AUTOMATION PLC/HMI controls that store recipes for exact repeatability
- Standard modular skid for easy of transport and installation
- Minimum 140% Brew Kettle Capacity
- Industry leading geometry that allows for high efficiency brewing across every style of beer
- Skid mounted on casters designs on a standard standard 2 vessel platform
- Standard Swing link manifolds
- Standard Internal steam clandrias
- Variable Speed Pump(s) controlled by Lenze Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s)
- Standard Clean-In-Place CIP facilities in all vessels
- High performance Lauter Tun Screens
- Integrated and intuitive sanitary piping
- Convenient
- working height from floor grade
- Open top Brew Kettle
- User friendly sample ports
- Integrated pump and plate chiller loops
- High accuracy flow meters and automated shut off systems
Portland Kettle Works El Chingon Nano-Brewhouse

Portland Kettle Works El Chingon Nano-Brewhouse
Portland Kettle Works was founded in 2011 to build the highest quality stainless steel brewing and beverage equipment applications. Since then we have built and installed over 300 breweries worldwide. Our craft brewers are among the best of the best and they have the gold, silver and bronze medals to prove it. If you’re serious about craft brewing as a business, contact us and we can help you, too. And if you’re located in Mexico or Latin America, click here to visit our Spanish language site.